Emotional Intelligence

If you knew something influenced virtually everything you did or said, would you want to learn more about it?

If you knew modifying one small action, on a daily basis, would have a positive ripple effect in your daily interactions with people, would you be interested in trying it?

If you knew practicing that one small thing would have such an influence on other areas of your work, that your department, division and even your organization could realize improved business results, would you be interested in trying it?

If you knew your competitor had already started practicing these new techniques, and their customers and employees were delighted by it, would you consider investing in it?

When TalentSmart® researchers found that up to 58% of performance on the job is due to things like self-awareness, managing one’s emotions, picking up on social cues and building effective, working relationships, they thought that it was time the world knew about how to develop these skills.

Sure they KNOW it’s important, but what are they DOING about it?
Knowing and doing are two separate things. Unfortunately for companies today, knowledge workers aren’t always doing what they should. Sure they know a lot, but that’s not the point.
Knowing how to manage a team and realizing results through your team members are completely different skills. Knowing how to provide feedback and doing it effectively in order to maintain a productive working relationship are also two very different skills. Training provides the most impact for businesses when the learner is able to relate to the material and it challenges learners to do critical tasks required on the job. The difference is between knowing what to do and actually doing it.